This project was produced by Lovelane Productions, illustrated by Shruti Sharma, and animated by Jen Meller. The project serves to show the community all the art on permanent collections in the museum. This meant an ultimate dream of animating some of the most whimsical art work of our time. I was tasked with bringing to life Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Mirrors and Ai Weiwei’s Dragon Reflection among other art works. How do you bring to life some of the most popularized works of modern art? The answer, in After Effects.
In order to achieve the notorious orange glow of the Infinity Mirrors, I build geometric lanterns in Adobe Illustrator. I felt it was important that the vectors have an actual glow level within After Effects so the vector could cast a shadow. In order to achieve this I worked with maxon’s uni.glo plugin and key framed a pattern for the lanterns to turn on and off.
Achieving the size and proper perspective of the Dragon so it appears both disconnected and connected in space was done by manipulating the perspective in After Effects. I rigged a camera and placed the assets in such a way that the Dragon sat at the same optical illusion it does at the museum in Houston.